Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Analysing music videos using Andrew Goodwin's theory

Andrew Goodwins Theory

The music video for Beyonce's formation applies several elements of Goodwin's theory. Firstly fulfilling characteristics of the genre, with a dance performance demonstrating one of the aspects the artist is most known for. 

 There is a strong relationship between the lyrics and the visuals shown in figure 2 "i like my baby heir with baby hair and afros" and figure 3 "prove to me you got some coordination" this is used for illustrative purposes displaying meaning and clarity behind the images creating a narrative.
 Figure 1

 Figure 2

Within the video it holds many intertextual references; A man holding up a 
newspaper is briefly seen. on the cover Martin Luther King Jr. with the words: “The Truth - More Than a Dreamer”. Presenting the historical motive to the modern day song.                                                            Figure 3
(figure 4)                                                                                                         (figure 5)
(4) Albino Alligators. “I twirl all my haters...Albino alligators” — Referencing to the film Albino alligators set in New Orleans where the music video is set.With the police standoff referencing to alligators using an albino among them as a sacrifice to distract opposing alligators, who then become prey. Beyonce is seen twirling her umbrella in a white corset, like an alligator death roll. 
 (5) Women in White; The clothing worn in these scenes represent a time before and after slaves were freed around the 1900s. with the white corsets, binding the women — during a time when slaves were technically “free” but still being oppressed. 

One of the other elements applied from Goodwins theory is lots of close ups of the artist's face which would be one of the demands from the record label with the visual style of Beyonce's videos of close ups and her performance is a recurring part of her videos.

Amy Winehouse- Back To Balck

There is a strong relationship between the lyrics and the visuals firstly with the mise en scene and editing of the video. With the black and white edit and the black themed costume directly linking to lyrics of the song "back to black" amplifying the theme of Black shown in figure 1. 
Furthermore, the lyrics are illustrative for the narrative of the music video highlighting a death. Within figure 2 the music amplifies the pace of walking and mood to the song linking to Goodwin's third section of the theory.                                                                  

The demands of the record label needing close up's of the artists face is another element of Goodwin's theory which is shown in the music video. This was key for the artist as her unique style was her motif when she was famous, so like Goodwin's theory suggests, it will occur through her works. 

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